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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Assam University marching ahead

Partha Sarkar SILCHAR, Dec 15 – This is the first time in the North-east and fifth in India that Assam University, Silchar is going to have ST-RADAR on the campus. The ST-RADAR will be configured as an active aperture distributed phase array using state of the art solid state RT modules and digital signal processing techniques, to cover a higher region from 0.5 km to 20 km covering the troposphere slightly beyond the tropopause into the lower stratosphere.A team of scientists comprising 20 members recently visited the campus. The team identified the place where it is to be placed, said Prof Topodhir Bhattacharjee, VC, Assam University at a press conference organised at Silchar Press Club recently. Bhattacharjee said ST-RADAR will be a new extant to Assam University. This will be a paradise for the scientists all over India. To complete ST-RADAR Rs 50 crore has been received.Prof Bhattacharjee said that after joining as Vice Chancellor, his prime motto was to complete Diphu campus. There was dilemma about Diphu campus before Bhattacharjee’s joining as VC. Within few days this problem was solved and Diphu campus was started. Now Diphu campus has six departments.At the time of NAAC assessment, Prof Bhattacharjee formed a dedicated team. The team was instrumental in contributing to the Assam varsity tag of rational stature. The varsity got 285 which was earlier graded as B++. Prof Bhattacharjee emphatically said that except NEHU no other university has got this grade in North East India. The UGC team recently visited the university and showed that some developments are on the way in XI plan. Prof Bhattacharjee said that in the recruitment process more emphasis will be given to teachers. Regarding this he has already approached the UGC. At the same time due emphasis would be laid on employment of non-teaching staff as also setting up an engineering cell. Despite huge ongoing construction on the campus there was earlier no such engineering cell. Prof Bhattacharjee added that the university contributed in terms of socio-economic development. The university was built amidst much trails and tribulations. After a long struggle this university came into being. That’s why it is the dream for the people of Barak Valley. Every department is contributing to the socio-economic development in their own way. Ecology department is developing the surrounding area with ecological development such as rainwater harvesting. source: assam tribune

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